CHS Alliance scoring grid

This scoring grid is to be agreed upon and used by both the CHS Alliance and the Conformity Assessment Bodies offering certification and independent verification services on the CHS as per described in the CHS Quality Assurance Verification Scheme.

General scoring grid
Scores Meaning: for all verification scheme options Technical meaning for independent verification and certification audits


Your organisation does not work towards applying this requirement. Score 0: indicates a weakness that is so significant that the organisation is unable to meet the commitment. This leads to:

  • Independent verification: major weakness;
  • Certification: major non-conformity, leading to a major corrective action request (CAR) – No certificate can be issued or immediate suspension of certificate.


Your organisation is making efforts towards applying this requirement, but these are not systematic. Score 1: indicates a weakness that does not immediately compromise the integrity of the commitment but requires to be corrected to ensure the organisation can continuously deliver against it. This leads to:

  • Independent verification: minor weakness;
  • Certification: minor non-conformity, leading to a minor corrective action request (CAR).


Your organisation is making systematic efforts towards applying this requirement, but certain key points are still not addressed. Score 2: indicates an issue that deserves attention but does not currently compromise the conformity with the requirement. This leads to:

  • Independent verification and certification: observation


Your organisation conforms to this requirement, and organisational systems ensure that it is met throughout the organisation and over time – the requirement is fulfilled. Score 3: indicates full conformity with the requirement. This leads to:

  • Independent verification and certification: conformity


Your organisation’s work goes beyond the intent of this requirement and demonstrates innovation. It is applied in an exemplary way across the organisation and organisational systems ensure high quality is maintained across the organisation and over time. Score 4: indicates an exemplary performance in the application of the requirement.