The Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) was updated over a two-year process 2022-2024 to ensure the commitments made to people affected by crisis and experiencing vulnerability are relevant and more accessible to a wider range of aid organisations.   

The result of this process was a strengthened CHS (2024 edition) which was globally launched on 21 March 2024 in Geneva and online. The CHS custodians – CHS Alliance, Groupe URD and Sphere – are grateful to organisations and individuals who are volunteering to host a 2024 CHS Country Launch event in your country/region. 

See below for the list of events taking place and the organisers. This is not exhaustive and will be updated on a regular basis.  

If you have any questions about these events or want to volunteer to host a CHS Launch event in your country, please contact


Events organised by:  Community World Service Asia

Contact: Tooba Siddiqi, Program Coordinator – Strengthening Humanitarian Action Quality & Accountability  

Location Date and time Language Venue
Kabul 30 May 2024 

1.30 pm 

English In person event


Events organised by:   

Contact: Carly Sheehan, Accountability Advisor  

In collaboration with: 

  • Humanitarian Advisory Group 
Location Date and time Language Venue
Melbourne 6 June 2024 English In-person at Level 12, Tower 2 727 Collins St. Melbourne



Events organised by:   and

Contact: Elidja ZOSSOU, Directeur national – CIPCRE-Bénin, Jean KPETERE, Directeur – Dedras-Benin 

Location  Date and time  Language  Venue 
Cotonou  21 June 2024  French  In-person event  

Burkina Faso

Events organised by: A close-up of a logo Description automatically generated

Contact: Fatimata Ouedraogo, Regional Manager West Africa

Location Date and time Language Venue
Ouagadougou 7June 2024 French TBC


Event organised by:

Contact: Francisco Osuna  

Location Date and time Language Venue
Bogota TBC Spanish/English TBC


Events organised by:  

Contact: Kidist Lale, Program Development Officer

Location  Date and time  Language  Venue 
Addis Ababa 

6 August 20249:30 am -11:30 am 

English  Sapphire Addis Hotel 
Jijga  13 August 2024 – 9:30am -11:30 am  English  Universal Hotel, Jijga 
Bahirdar  22 August 2024- 9:30 am -11:30 am  Amharic and English  Unison Hotel, Bahir Dar 
Mekelle 29 August 2024 – 9:30 am – 11:30 am Amharic and English  Axsum Hotel
Melkadida  4 September 2024- 9:30am -11:30 am  English  UNHCR Hall, Melkadida 


Events organised by: Sphere India

Contact: Vikrant Mahajan, CEO

Location Date and time Language Venue
New Delhi 26 June 2024 English Hybrid



Events organised by: Indonesian Society for Disaster Management (or Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia)

In collaboration with: 

  • UN OCHA office in Jakarta Indonesia  

Contact: Avianto Amri, Chairperson, Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia (MPBI) 

Location  Date and time  Language  Venue 
Jakarta  22 March 2024    Hybrid 


Events organised by:

Contact: Zeina Mohanna,  Executive Board Member, Amel Association International

Location Date and time Language Venue
Beirut TBC English/Arabic TBC



Events organised by: 

Contact: Francesco Tropea, Country Director

Location Date and time Language Venue
Niamey 22 May 2024


French Hotel Noom, Niamey


Events organised by: Community World Service Asia

Contact: Tooba Siddiqi, Program Coordinator – Strengthening Humanitarian Action Quality & Accountability

In collaboration with:

  • Pak Mission Society
  • AAP Working Group
Location  Date and time  Language  Venue 
Dadu  17 April 2024  English   
Jacobabad  19 April 2024  English   
Islamabad  22 May 2024  English  Hybrid 


Events organised by:

Contact: Warchał-Beneschi, Joanna, NGO Forum Coordinator, Polish Humanitarian Action

In collaboration with: 

  • Ashoka Innovators for the Public 
Location Date and time Language Venue
Warsaw 12 June 2024 Polish Hotel Gromada, Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 2, Warsaw 


For more information, please see:  


Events organised by: 

Contact: Alinur Ali Aden, Executive Director, Gargaar Relief and Development Organization (GREDO)

Location Date and time Language Venue
Online 22 August 2024 English N/A
Mogadishu TBC English TBC

South Asia Region

Events organised by:

Contact: Tooba Siddiqi, Program Coordinator – Strengthening Humanitarian Action Quality & Accountability


Location Date and time Language Venue
Online 26 July 2024, 11:00 – 12 :15 Pakistan time English N/A


The link to join the webinar is: Click here to register


Events organised by: Instituto de Estudios Sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria

Contact: Camille Nussbaum, Executive Coordinator

In collaboration with:

  • Spanish Cooperation Agency (AECID)
  • Caixa Bank Foundation
Location Date and time Language Venue
Madrid 17 April 2024
17.30 – 18.30
Spanish CaixaForum de Madrid
Barcelona 18 April 2024
17.30 – 18.30
Spanish CaixaForum de Barcelona


Syria – Northwest Syria response

Events organised by:

In collaboration with: Hope Revival Organization (HRO)

Contact: Karim Alqassab,  Humanitarian Programme Manager – EMENA, HelpAge International

Location Date and time Language Venue
Northwest Syria TBC Arabic/English TBC
Gaziantep (Turkiye) – Northwest Syria response TBC Arabic/English TBC


Events organised by:

In collaboration with: Mavi Kalem, HelpAge International

Contact: Zeynep Sanduvac, Board Member/Programs Coordinator, Nirengi Association

Location Date and time Language Venue
Istanbul 21 November 2024 Turkish/English Hybrid – Venue to be confirmed


Events organised by:

Contact: Francisco Osuna  

Location Date and time Language Venue
Caracas TBC Spanish/English TBC


Events organised by: Building Foundation for Development

Contact: Abdullah Al Asri, Safeguarding Officer

Location Date and time Language Venue
Aden 15 May 2024 Arabic Al Daibani Palace Hall صالة قصر الذيباني
Marib 8 May 2024 Arabic TBC


Events organised by: Centre for Humanitarian Analytics

Contact: Wonder Mufunda, Executive Director

In collaboration with:

  • OCHA
  • Zimbabwe Humanitarian Networks and Partnership Week
Location Date and time Language Venue
Harare July 2024 TBC