SOS Sahel Ethiopia
SOS Sahel International (UK) started work in the Sahelian Dry lands Zone, both in Western and Eastern Africa in 1984. In Ethiopia, it began rural development projects focusing on food Security and Community Based Resource Management (CBRM) five years after its establishment in 1989. In 2005, SOS Sahel Ethiopia was registered (No. 1986) as an independent national NGO by the Ethiopian Ministry of Justice. SOS Sahel Ethiopia is a national NGO and has more than 24 years of rural development experience in Ethiopia.
SOS Sahel Ethiopia envisions a world without poverty and It is dedicated to improve the living standards of smallholder farmers and marginalized pastoralists through better management of their environment. The work of SOS Sahel focuses on community-based natural resources management, food security, agriculture, policy analysis, value chain analysis and development, pro-poor value chain development.
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