Jugantar Samaj Unnaya Sangstha
Jugantar Samaj Unnayan Sangstha (JSUS) is a promising flourishing national-level women led NGO in Bangladesh that is highly determined to accelerate socio- economic development throughout the country. Vision : People of Bangladesh enjoy all fundamental rights where society is free from corruption, injustice, and insecurity. Mission : Works as driving force for transforming societies towards sustainable development by promoting, advocating, and implementing programs that address root causes of problems. Goal : The ultimate goal of JSUS is to assist the socially and economically disadvantaged rural and urban people to develop their greater potential through mobilizing their skill and local resources, so that they may take active part in sustainable human and socio-economic development for the improvement of their living standard.
JSUS believes to take a contributory service which is really mainline of positive developments that are related to poverty, inequality, injustice, rights & entitlements of Human life and livelihoods particularly of hard-core poor and distress minority community. Considering contextual analysis and appropriative calculation JSUS build foundation in front of following core programs : • Women,Adoloscent ,Children development , Empowerment and their rights • Education (including emergency in education programming) • Disability Inclusive Health ,Nutrition and WASH Services. • Humanitarian Response Program (Supporting humanitarian disaster) • Livelihood & Food security programming. • Integrated Health ,Nutrition & WASH Programming. • Skill training (Capacity Building) • Health, Sanitation and family planning. • Strengthening of local Government • Disaster Preparedness, response and Recovery • Climate change management • Protecting Victims of Human Trafficking in Bangladesh
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