IMDAT Relief and Development
A future where humanitarian aid is led by an empowered local community. İMDAT is committed to the idea that humanitarian aid should be done with maximum involvement of local communities and resources. İMDAT works to empower these local communities and utilize the local resources through building trust, collaboration, and accountability so that any humanitarian response is from the people, for the people.
İMDAT was founded by a group of Syrian youth who saw it as their responsibility to improve the quality of the humanitarian response in Syria. Started as a community initiative, then collaborated with INGOs & local CBOs, and NGOs to provide more aid in the WASH, FSL, Protection, and SNFI sectors in addition to the CWG. İMDAT -RFN recognizes and prioritizes the need to strengthen and empower local communities through building trust, collaboration, and accountability. Through the various programs, İMDAT also enhanced social cohesion. As an example, in the Cash For Work programs in NWS we were able to train more than 1700 women in knitting and sewing, and the clothes they were able to produce thousands of winter clothes which were distributed to local communities that were in need, irrespective of ethnicities, religion or any other affiliations. This led to increased self-esteem among the women in the community and better relations among the different groups within the work areas
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