Human Access for Partnership and Development (HUMAN ACCESS)
Vision A reference for charitable and developmental work locally and regionally. Mission Contribute to achieving development and alleviating poverty in Yemeni society by investing in volunteer efforts and partnership with local communities and donor organizations, giving priority to rural areas, youth, women and children. Our Values Institutional, transparency, partnership, accountability, quality and development, and professionalism. Goals • Contribute to the fight against poverty and limit its spread in Yemen. • Promote and support sustainable development, rural development programs and projects. • Developing and empowering the youth, women and children and building their capabilities and skills. • Contribute to the health, social and educational care of the community. • Revive the spirit of solidarity and create a culture of volunteer work in the community. • Contribute to the mitigation of damages caused by disasters. • Expand the scope of work.
- Work scope HUMAN ACCESS covers, with its various activities and services, all regions under the IRG, investing in this the efforts of a large network of workers and volunteers in the branches and committees affiliated with it in the governorates and districts inside Yemen, besides an office in the State of Djibouti. - Main areas of work are: Emergency relief to affected IDPs in Yemen with shelter, food, NFIs, water, sanitation, cash assistance. Sustainable development: Microfinance, income-generating projects, construction and development, training. Health: health facilities, psychological services, mobile clinics, medical camps, reproductive health & family planning, health services for refugees, neglected diseases control, malnutrition treatment, sponsorship of patients with chronic diseases. Education and social welfare: Poor family sponsorship, winterization, Eid clothes distribution, support patients with renal failure and cancer, orphan sponsorship and care.
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