Anglican Development Services (ADS) Kenya

Aim of the organisation

ADS Kenya has a vision of sustainable communities living Godly and Dignified lives. This means that ADS Kenya aspires to have communities that have wholesome living in all facets of economic, social, political, health, environmental, and technological aspects. The mission of the organization is to build partnerships with communities and enabling them to exercise their God given potentials in addressing their needs. ADS Kenya use participatory development approach to help communities review their situation and determine the contributing factors for their situation as well what they need to do to address their situations. ADS believes in empowering people to mobilize local resources to address their needs as opposed to dependence on external resources.

Organisation activities

ADS Kenya has 4 main areas of focus namely: - (i) Community Development - this focuses on food security, WASH, Health and Non-communicable diseases, climate change and environmental management, and youth and development. (ii) Advocacy - this area focuses on governance, promotion of peace building and national cohesion, gender justice and climate justice. (iii) Research and Knowledge Management - this involves operation research, communication for development, innovation and use of modern technology, as well as effective monitoring, evaluation and learning.

Date joined
Membership status
Full Member

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