E-Learning: Introduction to the CHS

  • Author(s)
    Groupe URD,
    IECAH and CHS Alliance
  • Resource Type
    External Link

Developed through a collaborative process with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy (HLA), Sphere, Groupe URD and IECAH, this course is available to access on Kaya, HLA’s new online learning platform.

Course content

The course is based on four scenarios and covers the history of the CHS, its structure and scope, the Nine Commitments, the principles underpinning it, links between the CHS and other standards, the responsibilities that the CHS places on humanitarian workers and organisations, and how individuals and organisations can apply the CHS.

Who should use the course?

The CHS online course is designed for anyone who wants to use the CHS in their work and takes approximately one hour to complete. It is offered free of charge – just register online here for access. It is currently available in English, French, Arabic and Swahili.