Ecumenical Association of Churches from Romania - AIDRom
Our main goal is to cultivate ecumenical cooperation, to intensify ecumenical dialogue, both nationally and internationally, and to strengthen an ecumenical platform, a basic tool for cooperation between the Christian Churches in Romania. Together with our members, we support, at the national and international level, the promotion and defense of human rights, gender equality, and climate justice. AIDRom is working to respond to the needs addressed by society in the following fields: resuming of ecumenical dialogue in a new setting, interethnic and social reconciliation, actions for combating discrimination, social work and Diakonia with specific target groups related to women issues, children at risk phenomenon, disabled, elderly, and generally marginalized people, refugees, increasing poverty, gender inequality, access to rights, labor rights, as well as the environmental issues and effects and victims of natural disasters.
We promote:the inclusion of marginalized people, contributed to the social reintegration of people at high risk, ensured equal opportunities and preventing against human trafficking and discrimination. Provide assistance to refugees and migrants who wanted to integrate in Romania. Strengthen ecumenical and inter-ethnic cooperation for peace and stability to alleviate segregation in multi-ethnic communities and ensure respect for human rights. To achieve our mission, we run programs and activities in various areas of public interest, such as: social services: Multifunctional Counselling Centers , reintegration of social groups at risk (victims of human trafficking, unemployed, migrants, women); Socio-vocational services: reintegration into the labor market, vocational training; Social, psychological and legal services in the field of migration.
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